其实facebook并不是第一个使用视频或者GIF图像作为用户头像的。今年7月,Snapchat引入了二维码作为用户头像,并且可以通过扫描二维码在app上添加好友。还有一款刚上架刚一年的图片分享app Phhhoto则是只支持GIF格式的用户头像。
另外,facbook还添加了另一个功能,临时头像功能。用户可以设置一个临时的头像,这个头像会在用户设置的一定时间内失效变回平时的头像。这种头像可以是你生活中的见闻,也可以是一种强烈的感觉的描述,产品经理Aigerim Shorman 和 Tony Hsieh在其博客中如是写道。
Facebook is spicing up profile photos in a big way.
Facebook users will now be able to record a short looping video, a bit like a Vine or a GIF, to use as their profile photo on mobile, the company said on Wednesday.
Facebook isn’t the first to use short videos or GIFs for users’ profile photos. Snapchat introduced the medium for its users’ “Snapcodes,” QR codes that can be scanned to add someone as a friend on the app and act as their user profile picture, in July. And Phhhoto, a one-year-old photo-sharing mobile app entirely based around the GIF format, uses them for users’ profile shots.
Facebook is also adding the ability for users to set a temporary profile photo that will expire and revert to their usual one at a specific time.
“It can be a visual status update to let your friends know what’s going on in your life today, or it can be your statement of solidarity for a cause you feel strongly about,” product managers Aigerim Shorman and Tony Hsieh wrote in a blog post.
Wednesday’s profile updates also include a special “Bio” section at the top that can be customized with fun or important personal details, the ability to edit the information that appears at the top of the profile (hometown, work, featured photos), and a new profile layout that emphasizes the profile picture, which has previously been spotted by some users.
Facebook is first making these features available to some iPhone users in California and the U.K., but plans to roll them out more widely soon, it says.